A Complaint Free Lent Class
Lent is a time the Church sets aside each year to prepare our hearts to receive Christ at Easter. Spiritual Disciplines are designed to work 'outside-in' using practices of denying body and will to reshape the spirit and character of a person. This act of reviewing our strategies for living and choosing to turn away from brokenness and reliance on our own will-power is the act of metanoia, or repentance. It literally means turning around or making a new choice, trusting that God will empower our transformation. This year, together with God's help we will review our strategies for living and make new choices to live complaint free lives.
The 2021 Saint Patrick's Lenten practice is to commit to living complaint free for 21 consecutive days. It's a tall order, but over twelve million people all over the planet have done it. This is not only a commitment to personal and community transformation, but also a commitment to transformation on a world-wide scale. "Thing globally, act locally" was the phrase we used in the eighties. It applies to our work now.
We will work with the bestselling book A Complaint Free Worldby Will Bowen, a United Church of Christ minister and founder of acomplaintfreeworld.org. Click HERE to order your copy now. We will meet on Zoom every Wednesday evening from 7 - 8 pm for our Lenten Soup Nights. Wednesdays, February 24, March 3, 10, 17 and 24. The final evening will complete our time together with a Taize worship service.
The first night will be an introduction to the spiritual discipline of living complaint free, and the other three nights will focus on discussion and sharing our experience of taking on this challenge. Then final evening will be worship in the style of Taize. Focus will be on supporting one another and understanding this practice on ever-deepening levels. This is a multi-generational experience, so all ages are welcome.
Meanwhile, please pick up your Purple Bracelet during Church Office Hours, Monday-Thursday, 9 am - 1 pm.